Inclusion Works Bi-Annual Community of Corporation Meetings Recordings & Presentation Materials
Please note: The transcript is unedited.
Video: July IW Meeting Video
Transcript: July 2024 IW Meeting Transcript.docx
Deck: July IW Meeting.pptx
- Welcome/Opening Remarks, Room 1:
- Ernst & Young Keynote, Room 1:
- Session 1: Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Room 1:
- Session 2: Supplier Diversity, D&I and ESG, Room 2:
- Session 3: U.S. and Global Self-ID Best Practices, Room 1:
- Session 4: Facilities Accessibility/Accessible Building Design, Room 2:
- Session 5: How to Create Opportunities for Impactful Storytelling, Room 1:
- Session 6: Talent Life Cycle: Recruit, Retain, Reward, Room 2:
- Session 7: DEI & Global DEI Results, Room 1:
- Session 8: Accommodations Toolkit, Results of Accommodations Survey and Corporate Accommodations Policies and Practices, Room 2:
- Session 9: Maximizing Disability Awareness Days Using Panels, Room 1:
- Session 10: Product Accessibility, Room 2:
- Welcome/Opening, Room 1:
- Google Keynote, Room 1:
- Session 1, Using Cross-Functional Teams to Respond to the DEI & GDEI, Room 1:
- Session 2, Embracing a Culture of Mental Wellness, Room 2:
- Session 3, McCann Worldgroup Inclusive Ad Campaigns, Room 1:
- Session 4, The Expanding Business Imperative for Supplier Diversity, Room 2:
- Session 5, How-To Implement Digital Accessibility, Room 1:
- Session 6, Talent Sourcing Around the World, Room 2:
- Session 7, A Conversation on People First and Identity First Language, Room 1:
- Session 8, Working with Neurodiverse Colleagues, Room 2
- Session 9, How-To Organize U.S. & Global Self-ID, Room 2
Please note: There is one continuous PowerPoint for Room 1 and one continuous PowerPoint for Room 2:
- Agenda for Inclusion Works Community of Corporations Meeting Jan 29-30, 2019 [DOCX]
- Accenture Getting to Equal Presentation [PPTX]
- Arc San Francisco + Salesforce Presentation [PPTX]
- Comcast and Charter Striving for Accessibility Presentation [PPTX]
- DEI and Supplier Diversity Presentation [PPTX]
- Dell and Arc of Phila Neurodiversity Presentation [PPTX]
- Disability:IN Briefing Paper on E.O. 13658 [DOCX]
- EY Mental Wellness Presentation [PPTX]
- IBM AI for Workplace Inclusion [PPTX]
- Inclusion Works COC Meeting Attendees [XLSX]
- Inclusion Works Presentation January 29, 2019 [PPTX]
- Microsoft Supported Employment Presentation [PPTX]
- NGC How to Reach 7% [PPTX]
- Sub-Minimum Wage in Corporate Supply Chains final [PDF]
- Presentation 3M Veterans [PDF]
- Presentation BSC LEAD ERG [PDF]
- Presentation CSX Self-ID & Veterans [PDF]
- Presentation Facebook Global Disability Hiring [PDF]
- Presentation GM Disability ERG [PDF]
- Presentation Grainger Outreach & Recruitment [PDF]
- Presentation McKesson Self-Identification [PDF]
- Presentation Qualcomm AbilityQ [PDF]
- Presentation TD Bank [PDF]
- Whiteboard Transcription of Inclusion Works Input [PDF]
- Disability Employment & Inclusion: Your Guide to Success [PDF]
- Powered by PwD Champions [PDF]
- Accessible Digital Media and the Role of Chief Accessibility Officer [PDF]
- Section 503 Outreach & Recruitment: How to Build Your Diverse Abilities Brand on College Campuses [PDF]
- Sustaining Diverse Ability Across the Enterprise [PDF]