
GAAD: Celebrating Digital Accessibility Around the Globe 365 Days a Year

Accessibility is at the core of disability inclusion. Today, companies are expected to continue to improve access to digital content, technologies, and experiences for employees and customers alike. On May 16th, 2024, Disability:IN will be celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) with a full day of virtual events on [...]

Why Keeping the Camera Off Creates Inclusive Virtual Meetings

It's Okay to Keep the Camera Off! Why this Creates Inclusive Virtual Meetings As virtual meetings remain a regular part of most people's workdays, creating an environment where folks feel empowered to keep their cameras off can have a strong impact for many reasons. Blind/Low vision people may not [...]

Fast Casual: Starbucks Announces Plans for More Inclusive Stores

Starbucks is hoping to create more inclusive environments by adding 1,000 Starbucks Community Stores, which are led by employees who directly connect to the initiative or cause of that store. The stores, which number 150 today, strive to provide programming and experiences that support economic opportunity in communities and [...]

HR Brew: We’re Only Beginning to Understand the Needs of Workers with Long Covid

Omicron likely added to the number of people with disabling long Covid, and HR has an opportunity to be proactive in creating a welcoming environment for them. New analysis from the Center for American Progress (CAP) think tank estimates that there are as many as half a million new [...]

Veteran Programs at 3M, McKesson, Qualcomm & the Walt Disney Company

Many of our partners have programs and initiatives that support veterans in the workplace. Explore a few companies that have implemented successful programs to help veterans and enhanced their inclusion efforts: Military & Veterans at 3M “Our Military Support Network provides active support and outreach to veterans and their [...]

The Comforts of Home: Marriott drives innovation with inclusion and accessibility

"But there is more to life than apps. Much of what the disabled need isn’t technology but compassion and common sense, according to a number of architects and consultants. And not every effort to accommodate the disabled has to be a big one. 'You can make a series [...]

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