
Training on Reasonable Accommodation Procedures for Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific (BSC) trains Human Resources and Managers on the steps of the reasonable accommodation process: notify, assess, determine and review. Notify is when BSC becomes aware of employee circumstances that may require an accommodation. Assess is when BSC gathers information necessary to make a decision regarding an employee’s [...]

Booz Allen Hamilton’s Centralized Accommodations Fund

The firm’s long-standing practice of covering all accommodation costs through centralized funding has been modeled by other companies as the ideal way to handle workplace accommodations. By doing so, it removes any concerns about cost impact to individual team or department budgets. Examples of costs covered include, but are [...]

Accenture’s Global Adjustment Request Tool

Accenture offers a Global Adjustment Request Tool to provide employees from across countries to raise their accommodation request with agility and ease. The process has dedicated case managers who identify the solution, interface with functional points of contact, and solve the request within defined service level agreements. With a [...]

Walmart’s Self-Identification Campaign: Driven by Culture, Not Compliance

Walmart launched its confidential self-identification platform for people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ community in August 2018. Walmart is not a federal contractor and thus not under compliance mandates to report on the percentage of its workforce that is comprised of people with disabilities. Based upon anecdotal [...]

Senior Leaders at Voya Financial Share How Disabilities Positively Impact Their Work

“I have been fortunate to find a place that allows leaders and all of their employees to bring their best selves to work. I am dyslexic and this is my superpower. Often, my learning disability forces me to plan and over-prepare. Because I am forced to plan, I am [...]

Viasat Inc.’s Self-Identification Campaign Elevates Disability Inclusion

Viasat Inc. conducted a Self-Identification campaign, partnering Employee Communications with their Ability Alliance and Veterans Alliance Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). Part of the employee communications consisted of sharing stories and quotes from ERG leaders as to why self-identification is important to Viasat. As a result of this successful campaign, [...]

Synchrony Financial’s Disabilities Network+ Drives Professional Development Program

At Synchrony Financial, the People with Disabilities Network+ has a workstream focused on development.  Professional development and critical experiences are provided throughout the year to support the retention, development and advancement of Synchrony employees with disabilities. Feedback from the membership is also acted on as they plan upcoming educational [...]

At Sodexo, Self-ID Success Starts with Educating and Supporting Managers

One key to our success was making sure our managers had the tools they needed to start the conversation with confidence. Strong manager-employee relationships are key to developing trust. To best position our managers for success, we provided them with resources to help them better understand the importance of [...]

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