
Neurodiversity at Work Playbook: Employee Engagement & Growth Series

The Neurodiversity @ Work Playbook: Employee Engagement & Growth Series augments the original Playbook by focusing on best practices and lessons learned related to supporting growth and advancement. This series includes research-based content combined with best practices and lessons learned from over 20 employers including neurotypical and neurodivergent program leads.

BRG Facility Access Fact Sheet

The Disability:IN ERG/BRG Leadership Committee has prepared this fact sheet to assist corporate disability Employee Resource Groups/Business Resource Groups to advance inclusive and easy access to their companies’ grounds and buildings. This fact sheet provides ideas, recommendations and resources for disability inclusion that go beyond the ADAAG (Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines). It also addresses ADAAG requirements that are too often overlooked or misinterpreted.

2021-03-12T14:41:12-05:00October 6th, 2020|

Disability Inclusion Global Best Practices Report

The Disability Equality Index (DEI), a joint initiative with the American Association of People with Disabilities, is a benchmarking tool that provides an objective score and roadmap on disability inclusion policies and practices. Businesses with international operations that take the DEI are asked to respond to a set of questions on the inclusiveness of their global operations. This report highlights the global best practices of international companies that scored 80 or above on the 2019 DEI.

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