Mental Health

Minority Mental Wellness – Disability:IN Webinar

In recognition of Minority Mental Health Month, join Disability:IN and hear from corporate partner peers as they share their experience and stories around mental health awareness. Listen in and learn more about awareness, understanding and stigmas of mental wellness within minority groups.  Moderator: Carla Carlisle, Director, Information Technology, [...]

Disability Inclusion Posters

Often companies in our corporate partner network ask for ways to build a culture of inclusion, especially around key disability-related dates like National Disability Employment Awareness Month and Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Posters were a popular way to raise awareness in office settings, however [...]

2022-08-24T12:51:19-04:00February 17th, 2021|

Disability Inclusion Global Best Practices Report

The Disability Equality Index (DEI), a joint initiative with the American Association of People with Disabilities, is a benchmarking tool that provides an objective score and roadmap on disability inclusion policies and practices. Businesses with international operations that take the DEI are asked to respond to a set of questions on the inclusiveness of their global operations. This report highlights the global best practices of international companies that scored 80 or above on the 2019 DEI.

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