Supplier Diversity

Novant Health, in Collaboration with Diversity Mechanica and Farmers Brank, Expands Its Commitment to Supplier Diversity through the Diverse Supplier Reinvestment Program

Building off of previous supplier diversity and inclusion commitments, Novant Health and Mechanica and Farmers Bank created the Diverse Supplier Reinvestment Program. The program is committed to growing the capacity of businesses owned by women, ethnic minorities, veterans, LGBTQ individuals and people with disabilities by guaranteeing loans. The maximum [...]

Universal Design at Merck

Universal Design is an initiative through the Global Workforce Enterprise Services that is creating universally accessible workplaces on Merck sites. Universal Design is ensuring that all Merck employees can comfortably and safely access their workplace; the project has been a collaborative process with a Disability-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE). [...]

2021-08-01T05:07:57-04:00August 1st, 2021|

Highmark Health’s Collaboration with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Drives Disability Employment through Mentor Protege Program

Highmark Health's special program with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania supports Bender Consulting, a disability owned business enterprise that is part of the Highmark Health mentor protege program. The program helps in finding suitable contracts with the Commonwealth for its candidates with disabilities. In addition, Highmark Health's CEO committed to [...]

Fidelity Investment’s Self-Serve Online Portal for Sourcing Managers Champions Disability:IN Certified Vendors

Fidelity's Procurement Analytics team created a self-serve, online portal for sourcing managers to find disability-owned suppliers who may meet the needs of their upcoming sourcing events.  Further, each month the Supplier Diversity dashboard gets updated with all the Disability:IN certified vendors. When a user searches by category or keywords, [...]

EY’s Support of Disability-Owned Business Enterprises is Making a Difference

EY is committed to helping strengthen the pipeline of disability-owned business enterprises and invests in several ways. EY was among the first founding members of the Disability: IN disability-owned business certification (DOBE) program and has had active members on the National Certification Committee for many years reviewing certification files, [...]

Global Supplier Diversity at Bristol Myers Squibb

The Global Supplier Diversity team has started a Policymaker Engagement initiative, expanding to engage with Disability:IN and other advocacy groups to inform state and federal policymakers on important policy issues to BMS and their partners that include DOBE suppliers, their collective footprints in their states and legislative districts, the [...]

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

As part of BCBSMA's Supplier Diversity practices, the Supplier Diversity team partners with the “Empowering Abilities” Employee Resource Group to help advance the procurement of products and services from disability-owned businesses. Their team recognizes there are benefits to having this partnership because it betters positions us to create effective [...]

American Water Supports Disability-Owned Business Enterprises through Contracts and Mentorship

American Water is committed to supplier diversity and incorporates disability owned business support into their overall strategy for supplier diversity. They actively engage disability owned businesses to participate in all aspects of their sourcing opportunities. Further, the Senior Manager of Supplier Diversity served as a mentor to a certified [...]

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