Consulting and Professional Services

Manpower Group Education and Training in Argentina and Mexico

In Argentina and Mexico, Manpower Group partners with over 500 government, corporate and non-profit organizations to provide guidance and training to people with disabilities, helping them improve their employability, secure jobs and achieve independence. Manpower also educates employers on accommodating individuals with disabilities in the workforce. Since 2001, thousands [...]

EY Global: Taking Disability Confidence Global and the 2019 World Economic Forum

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, dozens of EY offices around the world were lit in purple and over 1,000 EY people visited the Purple Champions Website to show their support of disabilities in the workplace. The firm also sponsored Taking Disability Confidence Global, a new research study [...]

Accenture Global Enablement Scorecard

Accenture has developed a Global Enablement Scorecard to analyze disability inclusion maturity in over 60 countries in which they operate. The scorecard tracks progress in 5 areas; Leadership, Talent, Culture, Accessibility, and Ecosystem. Accenture uses the information to develop country specific strategies to increase disability inclusion and overall representation of [...]

Accenture Leadership Development Training Program

Accenture launched “Abilities Unleashed,” a global leadership development program for people with disabilities and advocates. The program, the first of its kind and potentially one of few such industry initiatives, makes an effort to bring its people with different kinds of disabilities into a regional program focused on enabling their [...]

EY’s Support of Disability-Owned Business Enterprises is Making a Difference

EY is committed to helping strengthen the pipeline of disability-owned business enterprises and invests in several ways. EY was among the first founding members of the Disability: IN disability-owned business certification (DOBE) program and has had active members on the National Certification Committee for many years reviewing certification files, [...]

Accenture’s Supplier Diversity & Inclusion Program Integrated Tier 1 Support Language Driving Commitments to Disability-Owned Business Enterprises

Accenture's global supplier inclusion and sustainability practice includes in agreements with Tier I suppliers’ language to confirm they will commit to working with disability owned suppliers and/or suppliers that employ persons with disabilities.

EY’s Multidimensional Approach Brings Together Resources to Meet Employee Requirements

EYs two full time accommodation specialists respond to all US disability accommodation requests. They work closely with EYs Global Assistive Technology Leader, who consults on equipment for individuals and across their workforce, providing training and troubleshooting and collaborating with procurement on purchasing services. Ergonomic requests are addressed by the [...]

EY’s Medical Accommodation Specialist

EY’s medical accommodation specialist fields all US disabilities accommodations requests. Ergonomic requests are addressed by their trained and certified ergonomics team, who conduct individual ergonomic assessments and make recommendations on equipment and work style changes to help people work more comfortably and healthfully. EY has 28 certified ergonomic assessors [...]

Booz Allen Hamilton’s Centralized Accommodations Fund

The firm’s long-standing practice of covering all accommodation costs through centralized funding has been modeled by other companies as the ideal way to handle workplace accommodations. By doing so, it removes any concerns about cost impact to individual team or department budgets. Examples of costs covered include, but are [...]

Accenture’s Global Adjustment Request Tool

Accenture offers a Global Adjustment Request Tool to provide employees from across countries to raise their accommodation request with agility and ease. The process has dedicated case managers who identify the solution, interface with functional points of contact, and solve the request within defined service level agreements. With a [...]

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