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Disability:IN logo. Business Age: 32% less than 5 years; 25% 5-10 years; 43% 10+ years. Ownership Demographics: 25% people of color (15% Black; 4% Asian; 4% Hispanic; 2% Native American). Employee Demographics: 17% are people with disabilities, compared to a 5.5% self-ID rate for all Disability Equality Index participating companies. Business Standing: 29% Great; 23% Good; 37% Okay; 10% Bad (of "bad" business age, 50% less than 5 years, 17% 5-10 years, 33% 10+ years; ownership, 67% Caucasian, 16% Black, 16% Native American, 0% Asian, 0% Hispanic). Corporate Engagement: 68% conducted business with at least 1 business partner and 33% participated in matchmaking, of which 12% signed contracts and 48% are in talks.