
Strictly Business: How Disability Employee Resource Groups Can Strengthen Business Outcomes 

Disability Employee/Business Resource Groups (E/BRGs) have become an integral part of corporate inclusion and accessibility strategies with 89% of participants in the 2023 Disability Equality Index indicating that they have such a group and nearly half having been founded in the past five years. Around the globe, disability E/BRGs are [...]

Accessibility Meets Procurement: A Strategic Approach to Including Sourcing

There’s more to accessibility than simply ensuring that the products and services that you develop internally are useable by people with disabilities. It’s equally important that you take intentional steps to establish a governance structure and procurement process that helps you source digital and physical products from vendors that prioritize [...]

Navigating the Return: Best Practices for Managing Accommodation Requests in the Post-Pandemic Workplace 

We’re rapidly approaching the five-year mark since the first cases of Covid-19 began impacting the population and workplaces in pandemic proportions. Even now we’re still navigating the various complexities associated with returning to the office and how the policies and practices related to the reasonable accommodations process have been significantly [...]

Trust & Transparency: A Look at Disability and Sustainability Reporting Around the World

Disability-related transparency is on the verge of widespread global adoption for both voluntary and mandatory sustainability reporting. Market pressures and legislative modernization are driving disability indicators into public workforce disclosures. This session examines new research from Disability:IN that illuminates the state of disability reporting among European, Global, and United States [...]

Talent Isn’t Typical: Unlocking Potential and Building Inclusive Workplaces

Neuroinclusion is about recognizing and embracing the diverse ways our brains function. It’s an essential aspect of creating an inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. This session defines neurodiversity while providing an understanding of its impact on business and seeks to equip participants with practical strategies to promote neuroinclusion.  [...]

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