Best Practices

Download free disability inclusion resources for your business, including white papers, infographics, best practices, videos, etc.

Autism @ Work Playbook

The Autism @ Work Playbook is the product of a collaborative research project, Autism-Ready Workplace: Creating and Sustaining Autism Hiring Initiatives, led by Dr. Hala Annabi, an associate professor at the University of Washington Information School. To create this guide, the ACCESS-IT Research Group at the Information School studied the Autism @ Work programs of four leading employers: Microsoft, SAP, JPMorgan Chase and EY.

2023-11-13T15:58:28-05:00March 29th, 2021|

Disability Inclusion Global Best Practices Report

The Disability Equality Index (DEI), a joint initiative with the American Association of People with Disabilities, is a benchmarking tool that provides an objective score and roadmap on disability inclusion policies and practices. Businesses with international operations that take the DEI are asked to respond to a set of questions on the inclusiveness of their global operations. This report highlights the global best practices of international companies that scored 80 or above on the 2019 DEI.

Centralized Reasonable Accommodations Fund

A Centralized Reasonable Accommodations Fund is an enterprise-wide general fund to either partially cover or entirely cover reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities and is considered a corporate best practice. With a centralized reasonable accommodations fund, hiring managers and supervisors do not need to worry about how this may impact their unit/department budget. Learn more.

2021-07-20T22:51:35-04:00January 23rd, 2020|
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