The Abilities in Motion (AIM) BRG at KPMG, along with the National Inclusion & Diversity team, has put together several webcasts that are available to the entire firm to learn about how individuals experience the firm from the lens of someone with a disability and from the lens of those who experience mental health needs, or want to learn how to help their colleagues who may need support in handling mental health needs. These webcasts serve as educational tools to allow individuals in the firm to step into another’s shoes, learn about the resources available internally and externally, and inspire courage to have open and honest conversations about the importance of self-ID, and how to ask for accommodations. Furthermore, the firm conducted e-brainstorming sessions to understand awareness regarding self-identification in the firm. Participants included individuals who both have and have not self-identified on a variety of demographics, to better understand their reasons for self-identification (or not), experience with self-identification, and how to increase comfort and trust to increase self-identification in the firm. Analysis from these sessions was used to create a self-identification awareness campaign, as well as to build other Abilities in Motion programs.  With these cultural commitments, KPMG’s national risk management team submitted a proposal and won a project with a government department to help them develop a model for expanding employment opportunities for people with disabilities, in partnership with a non-profit that specializes in employing people with Autism.  KPMG’s cultural commitments are impacting their ability to win work and is a testament to their people embodying the passion they have for helping people with disabilities internally at the organization, and the understanding of this importance, to help people with disabilities in the community and in the country.