
2019 Year in Review

To our corporate partners, board members, Affiliates, disability-owned businesses, NextGen Leaders, friends, and allies: 2019 has been an incredible year and we have all of you to thank! We are gaining momentum to help improve the unacceptable low labor force participation rate. More companies are taking the Disability Equality [...]

NextGen Leader Update: Linda & Pfizer

Linda Z., NextGen Leader '19, was recently hired by Pfizer, a Disability:IN Corporate Partner. It's going really well at Pfizer! The culture here is great and I feel this is where I belong. I was able to use my connection with Disability:In to strengthen our outreach efforts in the [...]

Labor Day & Building an Inclusive Workforce

This Labor Day, we're pleased to announce participating Disability:IN Inclusion Works companies have collectively hired 30,000 individuals with disabilities! Inclusion Works provides unlimited disability inclusion consulting to participating companies, leveraging insight from the corporation's score from the Disability Equality Index. Participating companies also join a Community of Corporations with exclusive meetings and [...]

2019 Conference Photos Now Available

Thank you to everyone who attended, networked, and presented at the 2019 Disability:IN Annual Conference & Expo! We had a phenomenal turn out (SOLD OUT) with compelling panels and informational breakout sessions. Save the date: July 13-16, 2020 Disability:IN Annual Conference & Expo at the Ritz Carlton and J.W. Marriott Grande [...]

DOBE Spotlight: Q&A Events

Celebrating 20 Years of Success for Suzanne and Q&A Events The Disability:IN Annual Conference hosts over 1500 people from all over the globe, including business partners that span many industries. As we all know, the challenge of not only hosting, but having a successful event is all based [...]

NextGen Spotlight: Bryan Stromer

Quality mentoring relationships have a powerful effect on young people in a variety of situations – personal, academically and professional. Programs like the Disability:IN NextGen Initiatives were created to further those opportunities. This six-month career mentoring strategy brings together employers and college students with disabilities or recent graduates with [...]

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