
About Hannah Chadwick

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So far Hannah Chadwick has created 37 blog entries.

DOBE Spotlight: Client Confidant

Client Confidant enables companies to uncover hard to get business intelligence in order to keep and grow their strategic relationships. Through methods such as qualitative, in-depth interviews, Client Confidant collects and distills findings into actionable feedback for its clients. As a Disability:IN DOBE, we wanted to share their success [...]

‘I was told I could never work remotely’: Before coronavirus, workers with disabilities say they implored employers to allow them to work from home

As many businesses across the U.S. have cobbled together work-from-home programs to comply with COVID-19 social-distancing measures, some workers with disabilities wonder why they were told for so long that they couldn’t work remotely to accommodate their disability — and now hope that this moment could be a turning [...]

MassPRIM adopts new proxy voting guidelines – Pensions and Investments

Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board, Boston, approved new proxy voting guidelines designed to increase board diversity, ban guns in the workplace and prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Read the full article on Pensions & Investments magazine.

Meet our Team: Philip DeVliegher

Involved with our Supplier Diversity program since its inception in 2010, Philip DeVliegher has had a hand in developing the program strategy and execution. In January 2020, Philip became the Vice President of Supplier Diversity. Learn more about Philip and the Supplier Diversity program from his recent interview. What [...]

The Comforts of Home: Marriott drives innovation with inclusion and accessibility

"But there is more to life than apps. Much of what the disabled need isn’t technology but compassion and common sense, according to a number of architects and consultants. And not every effort to accommodate the disabled has to be a big one. 'You can make a series [...]

Local mentoring opportunities available with Disability:IN Minnesota

Disability:IN Minnesota is an affiliate of Disability:IN and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes best employment practices and enhances competitive employment opportunities for skilled candidates with disabilities. As a Disability:IN affiliate, the organization offers business members resources for recruiting candidates with disabilities, information on disability issues/topics, recognition for best disability [...]

BlackRock, American Association of People with Disabilities, and Disability:IN facilitate forward-thinking disability inclusion dialogue with investors and global inclusion leaders

BlackRock, American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability:IN facilitate forward-thinking dialogue on disability inclusion with investors and global inclusion leaders. The next frontier of corporate social responsibility brings the ‘Disability Advantage’ New York, New York, November 5, 2019, BlackRock, American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and Disability:IN [...]

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