This year’s iteration of the Disability Equality Index represents a landmark edition for several important reasons.

Firstly, the authoritative measurement tool which is compiled by corporate disability benchmarking experts Disability:IN in conjunction with the American Association of People with Disabilities is now in its tenth year having been first published in 2015. Furthermore, 2024 marks the Index’s first foray beyond the United States to now incorporate 753 global organizations in total including data insights from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, the Philippines and the United Kingdom.

The DEI uses survey questions to help organizations measure their commitment to disability inclusion by scoring on important areas like Culture & Leadership, Enterprise-Wide Access, Employment Practices, Community Engagement, Supplier Diversity and Responsible Procurement. Huge organizations and brands such as Best Buy, Dell, Microsoft, Salesforce and Accenture are regular participants in the Index. The latter used insights and analysis from Disability:IN to help produce its groundbreaking 2023 report “The Disability Inclusion Imperative.”

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