Recruitment, Employment, Education, & Retention

Recruitment, Employment, Education, & Retention

The Recruitment, Employment Education, and Retention section offers data about the employee lifecycle.

This year’s findings show promising signs for the influx of new hires with disabilities since disability is integrated over 90% of new hire orientation programs and encourage employees to self-identify disability status.

The annual percent of participating companies that…

  • Encourage employees to self-identify as a person with a disability
    • 2024 Multimarket: 92%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 93%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 93%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 91%
  • Include disability-focused information in new hire orientation
    • 2024 Multimarket: 92%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 95%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 91%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 91%
  • Have employee retention and advancement programs that focus on or include employees with disabilities
    • 2024 Multimarket: 86%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 89%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 85%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 79%
  • Use numerical data to track progress in hiring people with disabilities
    • 2024 Multimarket: 64%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 71%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 68%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 66%
  • Require all people managers to take at least one (1) of the trainings for disability inclusion
    • 2024 Multimarket: 51%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 54%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 52%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 51%
  • Have employees with significant disabilities who utilize supported employment programs
    • 2024 Multimarket: 40%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 50%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 51%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 45%
  • Make all job interview candidates aware of the option to request an accommodation(s) for the interview
    • 2024 Multimarket: 37%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 60%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 69%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 61%
  • Have an employee retention and advancement program(s) solely focused on employees with disabilities
    • 2024 Multimarket: 6%
    • 2024 U.S. Market: 9%
    • 2023 U.S. Market: 5%
    • 2022 U.S. Market: 5%

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