Disability:IN and the Public Private Strategies Institute (PPSI) cordially invite you to participate in a roundtable discussion on the challenges and opportunities disabled business owners face when providing benefits to their employees. The discussion will focus on the barriers that small business owners face to providing benefits, and new options available, including the fix for the “family glitch,” new health reimbursement arrangement options, the Inflation Reduction Act, and enrollment in the Marketplace.

Last year, PPSI published research on small employers’ views on the evolving benefits landscape that explored their concerns and knowledge of benefit options. The research found:

  • Small business leaders’ top four most important benefits issues for policymakers to address are cost-related.
  • More than 7 in 10 small business leaders were not at all or only somewhat familiar with new benefits options.
  • Nearly 4 in 10 small business leaders believed information about these options from a trusted source would be most helpful to facilitating their offerings of these options.

This roundtable discussion will provide a forum to hear from disability-owned business leaders about the unique opportunities and challenges they face in providing employee benefits, as well as a chance to learn more about new benefits options available to small businesses.