
Everyone Counts: How E/BRGs Add Value to Global Self-ID Campaigns Breakout Session Track: ERG/BRG

Self identification enables organizations to better understand their global workforce, facilitate dialogue, and create programs that support diverse employees. Employees with disabilities, however, might be reluctant to self-identify for a variety of valid reasons. A disability-focused Employee or Business Resource Group (E/BRG) can be a key partner as it can [...]

The Power of Storytelling: A DOBE Marketing Strategy
Breakout Session Track: Supplier Diversity

Every business owner concentrates on what sets you apart from the competition – your unique product or service; the use of cutting-edge technology; or how you’ve integrated an Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) framework into your business. Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBEs) also have the unique opportunity to weave their own [...]

Follow the Leader: Equipping Managers for Effective Disability Inclusion
Breakout Session Track: Workplace

It’s been said that some leaders are born while others are made. Whether leadership comes naturally or requires persistent practice, leaders at all levels often lack the competencies and confidence necessary for leading people with disabilities and caregivers. This session will examine the key characteristics of inclusive leadership and discuss [...]

The Numbers Game: Quantifying Accessibility Success Measures
Breakout Session Track: Digital Accessibility

Maximizing momentum requires a clear demonstration that your company’s accessibility efforts are producing measurable and sustainable value. Whether it's the digital accessibility of content and systems; inclusive design in your corporate offices; or employee and customer experiences, quantifying results is part of the process toward building global accessibility maturity. This [...]

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