Example of eLearning Course with sections on the left and course materials on the right.

Disability Inclusion & Etiquette in the Workplace – eLearning

Inclusion Works is pleased to announce the launch of our first eLearning course, Disability Inclusion & Etiquette in the Workplace! Thank you to all of the Inclusion Works companies who provided early feedback and tested the course during the development cycle.

This course provides fundamental information on disability definitions, statistics, inclusive language and best practices, and supporting colleagues who disclose a disability.

Access the course

Course password: Inclusion2024!

Access a high contrast version of the course

Course password: Inclusion2024!

Note: The course is not modifiable.

There are 2 options to share the course with your employees:

  1. Import the course into your LMS
  • Import the course directly into your learning management system (LMS). This is the fastest and simplest way to offer the course to your employees. Once imported into your LMS, you can track employee attendance.
  • Course SCORM zip file
  • High Contrast SCORM zip file
  1. Host the course on your (internal) website
  • Use your own FTP client to upload the published files to a web server.
  • Give the published files to your server administrator to upload to a web server.
  • Then, give learners the URL that launches your course.
  • Course website file
  • High Contrast website file