Digital Accessibility
E-Learning – Universal Design
- Advancing Accessibility, Otis [PDF]
- Inclusive and Accessible Communications and Marketing [PPTX]
- Checklist for Digital Accessibility [DOCX]
- Creating Zoom Accessible Digital Events [DOCX]
- Creating Teams Accessible Digital Events [DOCX]
- Microsoft: A New Way of Thinking: Designing Products that are Better for Everyone
- Inclusion Works Accommodations Guidance April 2016: [DOCX]
- Accessible Workplace Handbook: Microsoft is committed to going beyond minimal standards and creating buildings with accessible design in mind. Here is a link to the handbook.
- Making Documents Accessible: The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) released “Making Documents Accessible.” This resource provides steps to follow to ensure documents are designed so people with and without disabilities can easily access and edit them.
- The World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative has an Elearning Accessibility article that provides background and a technical orientation
- The Partnership for Employment and Accessible Technology – a resource to learn more about accessible technology requirements, tools, and resources, including the following:
- Staff Training: Basics and More
- Buy IT! Your Guide for Purchasing Accessible Technology
- Professional Development Opportunities – (including conferences and online training resources, several of which focus on higher education learning platforms)
- Making Documents Accessible: The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) released “Making Documents Accessible.” This resource provides steps to follow to ensure documents are designed so people with and without disabilities can easily access and edit them.
- Digital Accessibility: 16 Practices Towards a More Inclusive Workplace
- Accessible Technology Procurement Toolkit: A commitment to diversity and inclusion requires that digital tools, including software applications and other technologies, are accessible to and usable by employees and applicants with disabilities.
Professional Consultants that are known for their methodologies and track records:
- Deque
- Knowbility
- Level Access
- The Paciello Group
- National Center for Accessible Media – (a long-standing national leader in access and provides consulting services)
- The University of Washington, Resources For Making Distance Learning Accessible
- 12 Tips to Create Inclusive & Accessible Hybrid Meetings [PDF]
- Accessible Event Recommendations [DOCX]
- “A Guide to Planning Accessible Meetings” includes regulatory updates along with practical guidance from a host of meeting planning professionals and subject matter experts and includes promising practices to make your events fully inclusive for all.
- Accessible Workplace Handbook: Microsoft is committed to going beyond minimal standards and creating buildings with accessible design in mind. Here is a link to the handbook.
- ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities: Institute for Human Centered Design and the ADA Network
- Accessible Meetings & Events [PPTX]
- Accessibility Assessment Resources & Tools [DOCX]
- Accessibility Assessment Checklist for Emergency Preparedness [DOCX]
- Accessibility Assessment for Facilities & Parking [DOCX]
- Accessibility Scorecard for Facilities & Parking [DOCX]
- Accessibility Scorecard for Meetings & Events [DOCX]