Recruiting / Talent Acquisition

2020 Career Connections Events (East Coast)

Please note 2020 Career Connections: West & East Coast have been postponed. Career Connection events bring together experienced professionals with disabilities with corporations seeking to #RecruitDisabilityTalent Submit Interest Form Focus:   Disability:IN Inclusion Works Companies are seeking early career and experienced candidates with disabilities in [...]

2020 Career Connections Events (West Coast)

Please note 2020 Career Connections: West & East Coast have been postponed. Career Connection events bring together experienced professionals with disabilities with corporations seeking to #RecruitDisabilityTalent Submit Interest Form Focus:   Disability:IN Inclusion Works Companies are seeking early career and experienced candidates with disabilities in [...]

NextGen Leader Update: Linda & Pfizer

Linda Z., NextGen Leader '19, was recently hired by Pfizer, a Disability:IN Corporate Partner. It's going really well at Pfizer! The culture here is great and I feel this is where I belong. I was able to use my connection with Disability:In to strengthen our outreach efforts in the [...]

Labor Day & Building an Inclusive Workforce

This Labor Day, we're pleased to announce participating Disability:IN Inclusion Works companies have collectively hired 30,000 individuals with disabilities! Inclusion Works provides unlimited disability inclusion consulting to participating companies, leveraging insight from the corporation's score from the Disability Equality Index. Participating companies also join a Community of Corporations with exclusive meetings and [...]

NextGen Spotlight: Bryan Stromer

Quality mentoring relationships have a powerful effect on young people in a variety of situations – personal, academically and professional. Programs like the Disability:IN NextGen Initiatives were created to further those opportunities. This six-month career mentoring strategy brings together employers and college students with disabilities or recent graduates with [...]

NextGen Spotlight: Taylor Mickelson

Disability:IN provides two career and leadership development programs for college students and recent graduates with disabilities who demonstrate a great deal of talent, leadership, and determination – Mentorship Exchange and Talent Accelerator. Through our signature education initiatives, we aim to help businesses develop enduring leaders for a more disability inclusive workplace. They are NextGen Leaders. [...]

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