GAAD – Accessibility Related Infographic and Resources
Celebrated annually on the third Thursday in May, Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD) is dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness for digital access and inclusion of more than one billion people with disabilities worldwide. It is a chance to honor progress, but more importantly, it is a chance to learn ways we can all work to advance digital accessibility and inclusion.
As our Chief Accessibility Officer, Jeff Wissel says, “Accessibility is at the intersection of everything.” At Disability:IN we know that access allows everyone to contribute meaningfully, fully, and equally.
A critical piece of access is communications. In honor of GAAD, we’ve created practical guidance for creating more inclusive and accessible social media content. We’ve also created an infographic on hosting inclusive and accessible online meetings.
In addition to communications, is the tools we use. That’s why procurement is also critical when it comes to bringing accessibility to life in the workplace. We’ve also included information on this topic below.
These are just a few ways to create a more accessible and inclusive workplace, but advancements and conversations around accessibility are always evolving. An open dialogue helps us learn together and is what builds truly inclusive workplaces. Join the conversation on social media and let us know how else you practice accessibility.