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High Level Process Map

  1. Request initiation
  2. Recruiter gathers relevant details
  3. Recruiter submits request to Reasonable Accommodations (RA) team
    • Recruiters should be trained on possible scenario and equipped with talking points on how to address potential RA requests. No magic RA words – requests for support may sound like:
      • “It’s difficult for me to focus at times.”
      • “The font was so small I almost didn’t realize when the deadline might be.”
      • “Is there close parking nearby the interview location?
      • “My service animal accompanies me just about everywhere.”
  4. Request is assigned to Reasonable Accommodations Consultant (RAC)
  5. RAC contacts recruiter to ensure their understanding and ask follow up questions as needed
  6. RAC connects with candidate where appropriate
  7. RAC conducts research
  8. If appropriate, RAC engages hiring manager, HR partner, additional partners or vendors to coordinate accommodation
  9. RAC updates recruiter and applicant/candidate throughout the process
  10. RAC and/or recruiter closes out with applicant or candidate once effective solution is determined