Region: Middle East
Disability Definition
Disability means any person who has a complete or partial deficiency in a stable manner. This deficiency can be in the physical, sensory, mental, communicative, educational, or psychological capabilities. It can reach an extent that reduces the possibility of meeting the normal needs compared to others without disabilities.
Based on the Basic Law of Governance, article 27 states that “the State shall guarantee the right of the citizen and his family in emergencies, sickness, disability, and old age, and shall support the social security system and encourage institutions and individuals to participate in charitable work.”
The “Vision of the Kingdom 2030”, has enabled persons with disabilities to obtain suitable employment opportunities and education that ensure their independence and integration as actors in society.
Employer Legal Requirements
The Basic Law of Governance, Article 28: “Whenever the nature of their business allows for the recruitment of persons with disabilities who have received professional training, all employers who employ 25 or more workers must ensure that at least 4 per cent of their total workforce is comprised of professionally qualified persons with disabilities. Such persons may be hired either at the recommendation of employment offices or through other channels. Employers must submit a list to the competent labour office detailing the jobs and posts occupied by such persons and the wages paid to them.”
Ministerial Decision No. 4072/4/5 “stated that one person with disabilities would be considered as equivalent to four non-disabled person when determining whether any given non-governmental institution was employing the requisite minimum ratio of Saudi nationals in accordance with the Saudization Programme, with a view to encouraging private sector institutions to provide employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in a manner consistent with their abilities.”
Accessibility Requirements
Article 2 of the Disability Care Act “stipulates that the State shall guarantee the right of persons with disabilities to protection, care and habilitation services and encourage organizations and individuals to contribute to the provision of such services through specialist bodies in every field. Such services include adapting public transport to enable persons with disabilities to travel in safety and security and at a reduced price for them and their companions and providing technical devices to improve access.”
The Ministry of Labour monitors companies that employ persons with disabilities to ensure that the workplace has adapted to their needs.
Cultural Norms
Saudi Arabia is one of the leading Arab countries in the protection of the rights of persons with special needs. The Kingdom has taken a number of measures aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. For instance, the establishment of 38 centers for comprehensive rehabilitation and supporting them with specialized cadres, that distributed throughout the Kingdom. In addition to the adoption of home health care programs, and the establishment of “Saudi Sports Federation for Special Needs”, which established 15 training centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in which all sports activities are practiced.
Business Practices/Examples
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SA Authority for the Care of People with Disabilities: A government body that aims to empower people with disabilities, ensure their access to their rights, enhance their role in society, and work to develop the services provided to them. The Authority estimates that 7.1% or 1,445,723 million people have disabilities: Disability Statistics
The National Transformation Program 2020 states that one of the program’s 37 goals is to integrate people with disabilities in the labor market.
Supplier Diversity
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Talent Sourcing Resources
Services & Facilities Provided to People with Disabilities in Saudi Universities People with Disabilities in Saudi Universities
Additional Resources
Human Resources and Social Development: Work Environment for People With Disabilities – “We seek to guide and advise all parties linked to the work environment and employment by raising the awareness of workers and the employers about labor regulations, ethics, and laws in addition to working on persistent improvement and quality assurance of the Ministry’s services and procedures pertinent to the labor market.”
Mowaamah accredits establishments for people with disabilities: https://mowaamah.sa/homeIncludes companies that have obtained a “Gold Certificate.”
Saudi Arabia: CRPD Country Reports
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Profile on Disability – International Labour Organization
Rights of People with Disabilities: Government site that includes the disability statistics, legal framework, protection from abuse, social care, rehabilitation centers, health care, priority card, early care services for children, education, higher education, employment initiatives, mobility & transportation, access facilities and parking, housing, mobile services, direct support in sigh language, disability research, labor integration, decision-making, online services, and the related agencies.
King Salman Centre for Disability Research
The Joint Centre for Research in Prosthetic and Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Programs
Technical & Vocational Training Corporation
Muslim Disability Awareness