Supplier Inclusion logo

Certifying disability-owned business enterprises,

service-disabled and veteran disability-owned businesses,

and connecting them to corporate supply chains.

Certification & Benefits

A disability-owned business enterprise is a for-profit business that is at least 51% owned, managed and controlled by a person with a disability. We do not certify non-profit organizations or private businesses who employ person(s) with disabilities.

  • Nationally Recognized Certification including by The Billion Dollar Roundtable
  • Exclusive information and resources
  • Networking & business matchmaking opportunities
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Access to connections with private-sector corporations

Is certification right for your business? Find out now.

Connecting with DOBEs

The Supplier Inclusion program is the leading third-party certifier of disability-owned business enterprises (DOBE®s), including Veteran Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (V-DOBE®s) and Service-Disabled Veteran Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (SDV-DOBE®s).

Partner Benefits

  • Connect with Disability:IN certified DOBEs®, including Veteran Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (V-DOBEs) and Service-Disabled Veteran Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (SDV-DOBEs).
  • Lead by example in adopting and leveraging inclusion practices and gain a competitive edge.
  • Become a recognized leader in the industry for consumers.
  • Make a social and economic impact by utilizing DOBEs.
Disability:IN The Social & Economic Impact of Certified Disability-Owned Business (full accessible version in download PDF)

The Economic Impact of Certified Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBEs)

Disability:IN’s 718 certified Disability Owned Businesses (DOBEs) generate $2.6B in revenue and 15.3k jobs. What if 1% of procurement spend went to DOBEs?….

Engagement Opportunities

The Procurement Council provides a forum for sharing strategies to ensure supplier sourcing and procurement processes are inclusive of disability-owned and service-disabled owned business enterprises. It is comprised of procurement professionals providing direction in elevating Disability:IN’s Supplier Inclusion Program.

Our Supplier Inclusion program certifies disability-owned business enterprises (DOBEs), including service-disabled DOBEs (SDV-DOBEs) and veteran disability-owned businesses (V-DOBEs).

Disability:IN then connects certified businesses to corporations seeking to diversify their supply chains.

This committee reviews and approves certification applications from businesses.

The Disability:IN Supplier Mentoring Program is designed as an essential component to the development of certified disability-owned business enterprises, including veteran-owned and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.

The self-paced program is 12 months in length with an expectation that mentoring teams meet at least once per month with the goal of building more viable suppliers to be better positioned for growth, sustainability, and inclusion in corporate and government supply chains.

In order to become DOBE certified, business applicants must complete a virtual site interview conducted by Virtual Site Interviewers.

Want to learn more?

Find out more about the leading third-party certifier of disability-owned business enterprises.