Region: Africa
Disability Definition
The definition of disability under Egypt’s Rehabilitation Law is “any individual who became unable to depend on him/herself in performing his/her work or another type of work and remains in it. His/her inability to do so is the result of physical, mental, sensory or congenital impairment.”
Reference: Disability in Egypt: Definition, Laws, Statistics, Social Stigma and Discrimination (wecapable.com)
Egypt’s current Constitution was approved by popular referendum in January 2014 and contains several articles that relate both directly and indirectly to disability. (Formerly 2012 Consitution Articles 70, 72).
Article 81 of Egypt’s 2014 constitution states: “The State shall guarantee the health, economic, social, cultural, entertainment, sporting and educational rights of persons with disabilities strive to provide them with job opportunities, allocate a percentage of job opportunities to them, and adapt public facilities and their surrounding environment to their special needs. The State shall also ensure their exercise of all political rights and integration with other citizens in compliance with the principles of equality, justice and equal opportunities.”
Rehabilitation Law 39 (1975), amended under Law 49 (1982) raised the employment quota for disabled workers from 2 per cent to 5 per cent.
Sisi issued law no. 10 for year 2018 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on February 20, after being approved by the parliament.
The new law offers many commitments by the government to persons with disabilities following implementation of the new law; including Non-discrimination due to disability, or gender of the person with disabilities. And to ensure real equality in the enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in all fields, Respect their choices and how they express them by their own independent will, the right of persons with disabilities and their families to obtain all information that concerns them from all sectors.
Egypt ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 14 April 2008.
Reference: Disability in Egypt – Wikipedia
Employer Legal Requirements
Egypt has a quota system is in place, where 5% of private sector employees need to be people with disabilities. There is a non-compliance fine of 30 EGP – 2 USD.
Law No. 49 (1982) introduced an employment quota of 5% for people with disabilities in firms with 50 employees or more. In the suggested legislation, the threshold for employers’ obligation to hire the 5% quota will become 20 employees, instead of 50 employees.
Reference: Alternative Policy Solutions | Disability and Employment Policies in Egypt (aucegypt.edu)
Accessibility Requirements
February 2018 law has new ICT requirement included. Details are not available at this time.
There is a new Technical Center for Persons with Disabilities.
Reference: CSOs_Maat_for_Peace,_Development_and_Human_Rights_Egypt_ENGLISH.docx (live.com)
Cultural Norms
In 2010, it was reported that many Egyptian families hide their disabled children so that even their neighbours are not aware of them.
There is also a prevalent belief among Egyptians that disabilities such as blindness, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome are a form of divine punishment. Folk tradition holds that malevolent jinn (spirits) inflict these maladies on sinners.
Although new laws will help, stigma still leads to stereotypes and discrimination that prevent disabled Egyptians from participating in their community.
Reference: Disability in Egypt: Definition, Laws, Statistics, Social Stigma and Discrimination (wecapable.com)
Business Practices/Examples
Additional content coming soon.Insights
The 2006 Egyptian census estimated that 1.8% of the Egyptian population is living with disabilities. The UN estimates a much higher figure, estimating that 12 million people are living with some type of disability. The 2006 census used a measure of mobility impairment to calculate the prevalence of disability in Egypt. Experts estimate that the actual number is likely to be much higher, as the census only accounted for impairment and did not include activity limitations or participation restrictions as part of its measure.
Reference: View of EGYPT (up.ac.za)
Supplier Diversity
Additional content coming soon.Talent Sourcing Resources
Helm Organization, translating to “Dream”, is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, and specifically, to facilitate their employment and ensure that private and public premises are accessible to all. Helm is proud to be the first prize-winner in Negma Social Entrepreneurship Competition in MIT, USA in 2013, and was also awarded the Rise Egypt Fellowship, Harvard University, USA for 2014-2016.
UNPRPD (United Nations Partnership to promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). This 18-month joint project implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), ICT Trust Fund, and International Labour Organization (ILO) aims to support labour market inclusion of persons with disabilities through the use of ICT solutions, with a specific focus on the ICT and tourism sector. The project develops accessible training materials and provides trainings for 600 visually and/ or physically impaired women and men aged 18 to 35 years in 6 targeted governorates.
Additional Resources
Ministry of Social Solidarity: This Ministry is the most important governmental department involved in disability affairs. It provides an establishment grant for a few numbers of associations, funds projects that are part of the ministry’s plan and assign them to associations.
Handicap International: In Egypt, Humanity & Inclusion continues to run programs under the operating name “Handicap International.”
Support, Education, Training for Inclusion (SETI) Center. SETI’S MISSION: Seti works on improving the Quality of Life of the Largest Possible number of persons with disability and their families especially those in urgent need.
Assiut Federation of Organisations of People with Disabilities (AFOPD): It is the national union of DPOs in Egypt. It compromises of 40 associations for persons with disabilities in all Egypt. It is a member of the Arab Organisation for People with Disabilities, and was member of the currently inactive Disability Council International.
Additional content coming soon.NGOs
Helm Egypt – help companies identify diverse talent sourcing, onboarding, integration, and the engagement and retention of employees. Helm employs experts on disability inclusion program design, development, and implementation.