
Region: Europe

Disability Definition

“Anyone who is to a significant extent or entirely not in possession of sensory – particularly sight, hearing – locomotor or intellectual functions, or who is substantially restricted in communication and is thereby placed at a permanent disadvantage regarding active participation in the life of society.”



Act XXVI of 1998 on the Rights and Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities: “The primary objective of the act is to guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities, and thus to promote their equal opportunities, independent living and active involvement in social life.”

National Disability Programme: “Its primary aim was to make a shift in employment toward rehabilitation and thereby toward the biggest possible rate of employment on the open labor market … One of the relevant key areas, is improving the employers’ attitude and motivation, as well as developing the inclusive job environment.”


Employer Legal Requirements

All employers, both private companies and public offices with a work force of more than 20 workers must hire 5% of people with reduced working capacity (working capacity must be at least 40% lower.)

CRPD – Article 27

Accessibility Requirements

Equalization Opportunity Law: Section 15

(1) Person living with disability are entitled to integrated employment or, in the absence of such employment, to sheltered employment.

(2) The employer providing employment must ensure the workplace environment to the extent required to perform the work, in particular ensuring the suitable modification of tools and equipment. Applications can be made to the central budget for support to cover the costs of such modifications.

Cultural Norms

In regards to employment, after comparing the 2001 census data to the 2011 census data there were still three main categories that Hungary needs to address for disabled people; high ratio of inactive persons, passivity, isolation.

Business Practices/Examples

Additional content coming soon.


“According to the most comprehensive set of data published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in 2011, almost 500,000 people with disabilities live in the country.

Out of this, approximately 43.000 people are people with intellectual disabilities, more than 46.000 are people with mental health issues and 5.000 with autism.”

Mental Disability Advocacy Center

Supplier Diversity

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Talent Sourcing Resources

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Additional Resources

Hungarian National Council of Federations of People with Disabilities – Monitors the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and coordinates the preparation and submission of an alternative report to the UN Convention Committee.


National Federation of Disabled Persons’ Associations (MEOSZ) – The aim is to protect the interests of people with reduced mobility and their families through the exploration, formulation, representation and validation of specific interests arising from the disability

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