The Global Corporate Disability Inclusion Event of the Year
Make the case with our Conference Overview Packet.
Track Chairs
“I want people to know that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, what you do, whether you have a disability or not, we need everyone to be a part of this movement.”
Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Chief Accessibility Officer, Microsoft
2020 Notable Speakers

Carlos Cubia
Global Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
Walgreens Boots Alliance

Thomas P. DiNapoli
New York State Comptroller

Alleace Gibbs
VP, Communications
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Regina Heyward
Head of Supplier Diversity

Judy Huemann
Disability Rights Activist

Matt Johanson
Senior VP, Human Resources
Discover Financial Services

Ted Kennedy, Jr.
Disability Rights Attorney and Board Chair
American Association of People with Disabilities

Jenny Lay-Flurrie
Chief Accessibility Officer
Microsoft &
Disability:IN Immediate Past Chair

Janice Little
Executive VP, Human Resources
Lowe’s Companies

Rodney Martin
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Voya Financial

Steve Mizell
Executive VP, Chief Human Resources Officer

Satya Nadella
Chief Executive Officer

Holly O’Neill
Head of Consumer Client Services
Bank of America

Melonie Parker
Chief Diversity Officer

Ann Powell
Executive VP and Chief Human Resources Officer
Bristol Myers Squibb

Elizabeth Pinkham
Executive VP, Global Real Estate

Holly Robinson Peete
Actress, Author, Talk Show Host, Activist and Philanthropist
HollyRod Foundation

Meredith Sadoulet
VP Talent Experience

Julie Sweet
Chief Executive Officer

Bin Wolfe
Global Deputy, Talent
Brought to you by our Presenting Partners

Bank of America

Capital One





Wells Fargo & Company

“Disability inclusion means that the voices of employees with disabilities are included—that they are heard, and we are taking active steps to address their concerns and needs.
Disability inclusion means the employees with disabilities work ethic is valued more than their disability—no matter what they look like or how ‘different’ they may appear.”
Zarin Hamid, NextGen 2019, now Security Associate at PNC
Ready to hire our NextGen Leaders?
We have a cohort of high-
quality talent ready for hire.
Work with disability-owned businesses
Make a social and
economic impact.