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2023 Best Places to Work

We provide the most comprehensive benchmarking tool for disability inclusion. Congratulations to the top-scoring companies!

The Disability Index (DI), a joint initiative with the American Association of People with Disabilities, is a comprehensive benchmarking tool that helps companies build a roadmap of measurable, tangible actions toward disability inclusion and equality. Each company receives a score, on a scale of zero (0) to 100, with those earning 80 and above recognized as “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.”

the DI is now trusted by more than 70% of the Fortune 100 and nearly half of the Fortune 500. Since its inception in 2015, participation in the DI has grown 6x – from 80 companies in the DI’s inaugural year to 485 in 2023.

Congratulations to the top-scoring companies!

Companies that scored 100

Companies that scored 90

NOTE: A score of 100 does not mean to convey “perfection.” AAPD and Disability:IN recognize that there is no one “right way” to practice inclusion, and that some practices may be more practical for some companies or industries than others. A score of 100 on the DI simply means that a company adheres to many of the numerous leading disability inclusion practices featured in the DI.

Companies that receive a score of 80 or above on the DI are considered “DI Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.” Use of the “DI Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion” name is an exclusive benefit for the companies that scored an 80 or above on the DI. There is a designated 100, 90, and 80 logo for the companies to use based on their specific score.

The Disability Index is a joint initiative of

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AAAPD: American Association of People with Disabilities