Events for October 23 - April 10


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IN DC Metro: Supporting Employees with Disabilities Who Use Assistive Technology

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AL, Germany

Various disability legislation exists to ensure employees with disabilities (EWD) have equal access to perform core job functions, from the hiring process to the use of all internal systems and communication within an enterprise, which include requests for accommodation, training and Helpdesk support. While there have been great advances in [...]


IN DC Metro: Attracting and Retaining Talent Who are Blind or have Low Vision

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

Leaders from Maxar Technologies, Blind Institute of Technology and the American Foundation for the Blind will share how to attract and retain employees who are blind or who have low vision.


IN DC Metro: Attracting and Retaining Talent who are Blind or have Low Vision

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

Leaders from Maxar Technologies, Blind Institute of Technology and the American Foundation for the Blind will share how to attract and retain employees who are blind or who have low vision.


IN DC Metro: Attracting and Retaining Talent who are Blind or have Low Vision

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

How One Global Enterprise Stepped Forward to Maximize Inclusion of Talent who are Blind or have Low Visions Hear the story of how one global company and its leaders made a proactive choice of disability inclusion that is benefitting its culture.  Blind and low-vision leaders share their perspectives in a [...]


IN DC Metro: The Importance of Chief Accessibility Officers in Public and Private Sectors

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

Fewer than 5% of Diversity Equity and Inclusion have Accessibility in their job title. Is this a promising practice? Is it a positive step to specifically call out accessibility? Join Craig Leen, of K&L Gates as he discusses this with several key leaders: Jeff Wissel, Disability:IN Chief Accessibility Officer,  Tom [...]


IN DC Metro: The Importance of Chief Accessibility Officers in Public and Private Sectors

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

Fewer than 5% of Diversity Equity and Inclusion have Accessibility in their job title. Is this a promising practice? Is it a positive step to specifically call out accessibility? Join Craig Leen, of K&L Gates as he discusses this with several key leaders: Jeff Wissel, Disability: IN Chief Accessibility Officer,  [...]


IN DC Metro: The Importance of Chief Accessibility Officers in Public and Private Sectors

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

Fewer than 5% of Diversity Equity and Inclusion have Accessibility in their job title. Is this a promising practice? Is it a positive step to specifically call out accessibility? Join Craig Leen, of K&L Gates as he discusses this with several key leaders: Jeff Wissel, Disability: IN Chief Accessibility Officer, and [...]


Webinar: Intersections between the LGBTQ+ and Disability Community

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June is recognized as Pride Month, dedicated to celebrating the resilience, perseverance and unity of the LGBTQ community. During this webinar, we will share strategies and best practices that help create workplaces which are inclusive of disability and all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Register Here!

Webinar: DEI Info Session

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Join us for an information session on how best to leverage your Disability Index top score. We will cover external communications, spanning social media, press announcements and general best practices. This presentation is open to the public and intended for companies that have taken the 2022 DEI. Presentation By: Elaine [...]

IN CT: How to Make Every Month Mental Health Awareness Month in Your Workplace: Erasing the Stigma

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Disability:IN Connecticut

We are pleased to have highly acclaimed Mental Health Expert Steve Crimando who is back by popular demand and will address the importance of the mental health of our workforce and best practices for opening up the discussion about mental health and creating a positive workplace. To register for this [...]

$15.00 – $20.00

IN DC Metro: Thought Leader Reflection Series: The Hon.Neil Romano The Romano Group and Ryan Walters Deloitte

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

The first of the Thought Leader Reflection Series: Ryan Walters, DC Metro's Vice Chair,  will have a fireside chat with Neil Romano, former Assistant Secretary of the Office on Disability Employment Policy and Chair of NCD. Topics shared will include Neil's perspectives on the ADA Anniversary and his thoughts on [...]


IN DC Metro: Thought Leader Reflection Series: Neil Romano The Romano Group and Ryan Walters Deloitte

  • Affiliates
AL, Germany

This is the first in a series of "Fireside Chats" with Disability Thought Leaders: Ryan Walters, DC Metro Vice Chair and Healthcare ERP Manager at Deloitte will sit down with The Hon. Neil Romano for an in-depth discussion about mental health conditions and Neil's  efforts with PBATS, Professional Baseball Athletic [...]


EMEA Council Meeting

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Read more about all of the Disability:IN committees here, and email Jordan Krug at if interested in getting involved!

LATAM Council Meeting

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Read more about all of the Disability:IN committees here, and email Jordan Krug at if interested in getting involved!

APAC Council Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
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Read more about all of the Disability:IN committees here, and email Jordan Krug at if interested in getting involved!

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