We are pleased to have highly acclaimed Mental Health Expert Steve Crimando who is back by popular demand and will address the importance of the mental health of our workforce and best practices for opening up the discussion about mental health and creating a positive workplace.
To register for this event, please click on the link below:
The Link to join the meeting will be provided after registration and payment are received.
We have survived the trauma of a global pandemic. Many people of “over” the pandemic but the pandemic is far from over with us.
The reality is that we haven’t returned to the “pre-pandemic” normal. Normalcy in both our personal and professional lives is far removed from our present reality.
The global news brings added pressures from the war in the Ukraine, higher fuel and food prices and mass shootings. The recent shootings which took place in Uvalde, TX and in Buffalo demonstrate the importance of opening up the conversation about mental health.
Each of these events can affect worker outlook as they are added to the pressures of daily living.
In addition, Connecticut employers are facing record worker shortages with over 100,000 open positions, creating the need for creative solutions for retaining our present workers who are being lured away by other opportunities including the opportunity to resign or retire.
Each of these factors make it more important than ever for us as employers to prioritize the mental health of our workers. Working age people spend the majority of their waking hours at work and as employers, we have the opportunity to create positive and responsive workplaces which will help us retain and attract workers.
It is vital that we recognize the need for supporting not only the physical health of our employees, but also their mental health. The stigma surrounding mental health and people who live with mental health disabilities discourage our employees from asking for help with their mental health concerns.
In this webinar, mental health expert Steve Crimando will offer insights and best practices which will help you:
- Understand the nature of the ongoing trauma caused by the pandemic and other global events and their effect on our workers health, productivity and happiness
- Understand how we can address worker concerns caused by both global and personal events and make worker mental health a top priority
- Learn how to support the mental health of your workers in a manner which eliminates the stigma surrounding mental health disabilities
- Recognize the signs of trauma in your workplace
- Utilize the best practices for recognizing and addressing a mental health emergency in your workplace
Join us and learn how you can make your workplace a truly great place to work.
To register for this webinar, please click on the link below:
We look forward to “seeing” you on June 30th.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about this timely topic.