Events for September 11 - March 27


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EMEA Council Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Global
  • Partners

The EMEA Council is a group under the Global Roundtable Committee, meant for D&I professionals based in the EMEA region. This interactive forum is a way for business leaders to engage with peers across industries on disability inclusion policies, programs, and trends around the world. If interested in joining, please email [...]

LATAM Council Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Global
  • Partners

The LATAM Council is a group under the Global Roundtable Committee, meant for D&I professionals based in the LATAM region. This interactive forum is a way for business leaders to engage with peers across industries on disability inclusion policies, programs, and trends around the world. If interested in joining, please email [...]

APAC Council Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Global
  • Partners

The APAC Council is a group under the Global Roundtable Committee, meant for D&I professionals based in the APAC region. This interactive forum is a way for business leaders to engage with peers across industries on disability inclusion policies, programs, and trends around the world. If interested in joining, please email [...]

Webinar: Neurodiversity in the Workplace

  • Partners
  • Webinars

Webinar: Neurodiversity in the Workplace Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 12pm - 1pm Eastern In celebration of Autistic Pride Day, join this webinar to learn how to support, lead, and retain neurodivergent employees in today's workplace. The discussion will address the topics of awareness and stigma and will allow Disability:IN [...]

IN CT: Webinar: Understanding Digital Accessibility

  • Affiliates
Disability:IN Connecticut

Digital Accessibility is an important part of ADA compliance but for businesses in Connecticut facing a shortage of workers, we cannot afford to turn away qualified job seekers with disabilities. Our businesses have learned the value of tapping into this hidden talent pool of qualified job seekers. In order to [...]

$15.00 – $20.00

Prep call for Supplier Matchmaking during Conference

  • Conference
  • Partners
  • Supplier Inclusion

Please join us on Wednesday, June 28th at 1:00 PM EST for an information session reviewing the 2023 DOBE Supplier Conference Matchmaking and other conference engagement opportunities. We will discuss the DOBE Supplier conference matchmaking registration and logistics, database access, and how you can best engage with suppliers during the [...]

Summer In-Person Supplier Matchmaking Registration Deadline

  • Partners
  • Supplier Inclusion

Disability:IN will be hosting a summer in-person Business-to-Business Supplier Matchmaking event with Corporate Partners and Certified DOBEs and SDV-DOBEs during the 2023 Annual Conference in Orlando. Pre-registration is required, and will open May 22nd and close June 30th. Participants must also be registered for the overall Conference. Links and further event details [...]

Deadline for Virtual Conference Registration

  • Conference
  • Partners

June 30th is the deadline to register for the 2023 Disability:IN Conference and Expo virtually. Virtual tickets are $400 or free if using a comp code. Check our the virtual ticket agenda and register here!

In-Person and Virtual Inclusion Works Meeting

  • Inclusion Works
  • Partners

The Inclusion Works program provides participating company employees the opportunity to attend two annual Community of Corporations meetings featuring Inclusion Works companies sharing best and evolving practices. During these meetings, Inclusion Works company employees are provided the opportunity to: Learn from colleagues at Inclusion Works participating companies the actions they [...]

Summer In-Person NextGen Leader Matchmaking Events

  • NextGen Leaders
  • Partners

Disability:IN will host two in-person NextGen Leader Matchmaking events during the 2023 Disability:IN Annual Conference, in Orlando. One on July 10th and the other on July 11th. Pre-registration will be required for matchmaking and will open on May 1st and close May 19th, 2023. Participants do need to be registered [...]

2023 Annual Disability:IN Conference

  • Conference
  • Partners
  • Public

2023 Disability:IN Conference, July 10-13th, Orlando Florida. Learn More

Accessibility Leadership Committee Meeting

  • Accessibility
  • Committee Meetings
  • Partners

The Accessibility Leadership Committee is a globally diverse group of business leaders who come together to share their knowledge, strategies, and best practices to help organizations enhance and maintain accessibility policies and practices in the workplace, marketplace and supply chain. The committee’s focus includes but is not limited to digital [...]

Talent Acquisition Committee Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Partners

This committee is a diverse group of talent acquisition and recruiting professionals come together to discuss disability inclusive hiring practices and trends while exploring how to leverage Disability:IN to incorporate individuals with disabilities and veterans with disabilities into company talent pipelines. If interested in joining, please email Bridgette Anderson at [...]

Mental Wellness Committee Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Partners

Mental health is the number one cause of disability in the workplace. The world is changing, and the mental health needs of employees are shifting with it. This interactive forum provides an opportunity for national and global business leaders to learn from each other about best practices related to addressing [...]

Reasonable Accommodations Committee Meeting

  • Committee Meetings
  • Partners

The Reasonable Accommodations Committee convenes corporate professionals and practitioners working directly or indirectly in the area of reasonable accommodations or at the intersection of accessibility and accommodations. The committee provides a forum for peer-to-peer benchmarking and the sharing of best practices; please email questions or requests to join the committee [...]

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