2022 Year in Review in neon green text on a navy ribbon banner.

Dear Disability:IN Community:

As 2022 is coming to a close, we want to thank you for your partnership.

Our collective work to bring disability inclusion to the corporate mainstream is critical. It is actively driving change and building equitable and inclusive businesses for all.

We closed this year’s conference with the idea that each and every one of us has a role to play in advancing disability inclusion and equality. Our accomplishments and growth in 2022 are a direct reflection of your commitment to this mission. 

While there is still much work to be done, we are honored to be on this journey together.

With gratitude,



Jill Houghton signature

Our Collective Impact

Disability Equality Index logo

Among participating companies, Self-Identification rates were 4%

2022 DEI Report

DEI Participant Growth from 2021 to 2022

Comparison chart between DEI numbers from 2021 to 2022. Fortune 100 went from 67 to 69, Fortune 500 went from 164 to 183, and Fortune 1000 went from 180 to 218. Total number of high-scoring companies went from 319 to 415.
Global Disability Equality Index logo

The Global DEI came into fruition because many of our current partners expressed a desire to benchmark inclusion efforts around the world, both within their own brand as well as other industries.

We more than doubled GDEI registration in 2022, up from 35 companies in 2021.

GDEI Stats: 30 Companies Registered and 40 Countries Reached

Building Inclusive Companies & Driving Hires

The Disability:IN Inclusion Works program provides customized disability inclusion consulting to 122 major corporations and connects them to their peers participating in the Community of Corporations.

48% Growth in Corporate Participation

Growth in Corporate Participation

99% Retention


Line graph of Inclusion Works Total New Hires of Individuals with Disabilities as of September 2022, from 339 in 2015 to 266,373 in 2022.

Inclusion Works companies increased their new hires of individuals with disabilities by 78,476% from 339 in 2015 to 266,373 as of September 2022.

More about Inclusion Works
Asian Pacific (APAC) global icon

216% Growth in APAC Council

Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) global icon

94% Growth in EMEA Council

Latin America (LATAM) global icon

121% Growth in LATAM Council

Intersectionality: Empowering over 1,000 NextGen Leaders

67% People of Color

People of Color

43% Women


23% LGBTQ+


NextGen Leaders

Alan S headshot

“Overall great program that changed my perspective on what is available for a person with a disability. Learning about how companies are becoming inclusive was important. Helped me with confidence and ability to advocate for myself in the future.” –Alan S.

The DOBE Network Grew by 60% – Now at 500 Certified DOBEs!

A series of outlined circles in green and blue with a large circle in the center displaying +30% to show 30% growth in the DOBE Network.

Disability:IN certified suppliers’ employ people with disabilities 10 times the rate of their non-DOBE peers.

More about Supplier Diversity
56% Growth in Corporate Partner Engagement

Growth in Partner Engagement

Disability:IN Procure Access. Blue and green illustrations featuring various digital accessibility tools and technologies.

Procure Access Drives Access.

20 companies, including Google and Microsoft, signed the statement committing to buying and selling accessible technology.

Learn More about Procure Access

In The News

Cheddar: The 2022 Disability Equality Index

Fast Company We Made The List! Brands That Matter 2021

The 2022 Disability Equality Index Report captures data on how companies are collectively progressing on disability inclusion and what more can be done to make the workplace comfortable for everyone. Learn more.

Twenty Companies Sign the Procure Access Statement

Disability:IN Procure Access. Blue and green illustrations featuring various digital accessibility tools and technologies.

EY, Google, Merck, Microsoft, Salesforce and Twitter are among first 20 companies to sign the Procure Access Statement facilitated by Disability:IN. Learn more.

Vogue Business: Gucci Disrupts Disability Inclusion

Jackson Dalton, a white veteran man with a white button down, of Black Box Safety, and Corey Axelrod, a white Deaf man with short brown hair smiles, of 2Axend.

The luxury industry has often excluded disabled people both as consumers and employees but Gucci’s Robert Triefus says the brand’s “mind has been opened” to disability inclusion, and it’s time for change. Learn more.

CNBC: Amazon, Starbucks and Google Among Best Places to Work with Disabilities

A black woman with short hair and black blouse signs to her colleague in red top while sitting at a conference table.

Companies are increasing their leadership and boardroom diversity, according to the 2022 Disability Equality Index report from Disability:IN. Learn more.

Bloomberg Law: Disability Representation on Boards Is Up, Yet Inclusion Lags

Alyse Brewer, an Asian woman with long dark hair, a turquoise and black patterned dress, and a left arm crutch.

An increase in people with disabilities in boardrooms and corporate leadership isn’t always translating to more inclusive workplaces for rank-and-file employees. Learn more.

HR Brew: Microsoft’s Chief Accessibility Officer on Stepping Up Disability Inclusion Efforts

Watercolor style illustration of diverse people with disabilities.

HR Brew caught up with chief accessibility officer Jenny Lay-Flurrie, who is proudly Deaf, at the 2022 Disability:IN Conference to learn more about Microsoft’s accessibility efforts. Learn more.

Recapping the 2022 Conference: #DisabilityAdvantage

Local Affiliates

The Disability:IN local affiliates across the nation are the heartbeat of the organization, driving the mission of disability inclusion forward by working with partners on the ground. Check out the Affiliate Event Calendar for local events happening in your area.

View All Affiliates

150 CEOs Advocate for Inclusion and the Disability Equality Index (DEI)

CEOs are IN

Over 450 Brands are IN!

31 Investors are IN! ESG Investing and Commitments to Inclusion

Learn More