A Note from Jill
2023 was a landmark year in our journey to build inclusive and equitable businesses for all. New research released in partnership with Accenture shows that our business case is stronger than ever. We are thrilled to share this report capturing the impact you have driven this year.
As we look toward the year ahead, Disability:IN has identified three critical impact areas that we believe will create meaningful change for people with disabilities in business around the world:
- Participate in the Disability Index to analyze and improve corporate disability inclusion programs and policies in Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Philippines, United Kingdom and United States . Explore the findings from the 2023 Disability Index Report. Register for the 2024 Disability Index before January 26th.
- Disclose disability data to investors and shareholders, who increasingly view diversity and inclusion as a vital component of corporate social responsibility.
- Encourage voluntary self identification at senior levels in order for boards and companies to measure progress against inclusion goals.
This progress is a direct reflection of your commitment to this mission and we are once again reminded of how deeply grateful we are for your partnership. Onward.
In action & gratitude,
Jill Houghton, President & CEO
Community by the Numbers
Your Impact
Building Inclusive Businesses Around the World

194 in APAC Council

181 in EMEA Council

146 in LATAM Council
Disability:IN Goes to Tokyo: APAC Global Journey to Disability Inclusion for Business 2023
We held the first-of-its-kind corporate disability inclusion event in the APAC region. Check out the Impact Report from our event in Tokyo!
Gaining UN Consultative Status
The United Nations’ (UN) Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations at its 2023 Regular Session recommended Disability:IN for Special Consultative Status. The UN’s Economic and Social Council granted Special Consultative Status to Disability:IN in June 2023.
Disability:IN has contracted with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide an Accessibility & Inclusion External Review through September 2023.
The Business Case for Disability Inclusion is
Stronger than Ever Before
This past October, Disability:IN invited our team and consultants to self-identify vital aspects of their personal identities to evaluate the effectiveness of our progress toward building inclusivity for all. We were proud to report a 100% participation rate. As we so often tell our stakeholders, self-identification is an opportunity for all of us to learn from each other and to lead by example.
Have a Disability
Have a Disability
Bringing Representation to the Board Room

Boards Are IN
This year, we launched Boards Are IN – an initiative that calls on companies, investors, regulatory bodies, stock exchanges and corporate stewardship organizations to take actionable steps to increase board-level disability inclusion; publishes global board disclosure research.

Model Nom/Gov Language
To help prepare companies to modernize the nomination of corporate directors, Disability:IN has compiled model language from publicly available governance documents at a variety of companies. This resource provides samples of how disability can be integrated into board diversity initiatives.
Influencing Thought Leadership
Financial Rulemaking
Disability:IN penned public comment letters on financial rulemaking policies that affect workforce and board-level disclosures, advocating for greater transparency in reporting on disability representation.
Disability:IN liaised with officers and policymakers at…
- The Department of State to collaborate on the global expansion of the Disability Index and advise on the expansion of global business inclusion.
- The White House to draw attention to the impact of corporate inclusion efforts.
- On Capitol Hill to brief legislative staffers on the business case, the state of European disclosures, and the impact of financial rulemaking in disability.
- The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit at the UN headquarters to convene on high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions towards sustainability leading up to 2030.
- The United Nations’ International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Global Business and Disability Network Conference to convene on disability inclusion in businesses, economies, and communities worldwide.

Opinion Editorials
Disability Index Co-Chair Ted Kennedy Jr. wrote two op-eds this year – one about the need for disability diversity in the boardroom and another about the importance of disability disclosure.
Participation in Thought Leadership Circles
Disability:IN was invited to participate in Governance Week, Reuters ESG Investment North America, the Thirty Percent Coalition Annual Meeting, and Directors & Boards annual Character of the Corporation conference.

Leaders are IN for Disability Inclusion
193 CEOs signed the CEO Letter on Disability Inclusion
32 Investors are IN
Disability:IN launches the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Coalition Officer Coalition
- Driving Access and Inclusion in Marketing and Communications
- Members include companies like: Accenture, Adobe, Experian, Salesforce, SAP, and TD

Driving Disability Inclusion in Supplier Diversity
The Disability-Owned Business Enterprise Network Grew by 35% –
Now at 675 Certified DOBEs!

Growth in Partner Engagement
Growth in Partner Engagement
Building Pipelines for Talent with Disabilities
Meet the 2023 NextGen Leaders
People of Color
People of Color
Global Recruitment Showcases
Advancing A11y
33 companies, including Google and Microsoft, signed the statement committing to buying and selling accessible technology.

Local Affiliates
The Disability:IN local affiliates across the nation are the heartbeat of the organization, driving the mission of disability inclusion forward by working with partners on the ground. Check out the Affiliate Event Calendar.

Campaign US: Accenture and TD Bank Unveil CMO CCO Coalition

Global professional services agency Accenture has partnered with TD Bank and Disability:IN to create a cross-industry coalition of CMOs and CCOs aimed to power disability inclusion across marketing and communications. Learn more.
CNBC: Just 21% of People with Disabilities Were Employed in 2022

One in four U.S. adults has a disability which impacts major life activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Altogether, 61 million Americans have a disability. Learn more.
HR Brew: Disability Unemployment Hits Historic Low

While disabled US workers have historically had some of the highest unemployment rates, the data shows that the last three years have seen tremendous progress in reducing the community’s unemployment rate. Learn more.
Forbes: Corporate Disability Inclusion Accelerating But Not In The Boardroom

Workforce disability inclusion at some of America’s largest companies is in a healthier shape than ever before, according to Disability:IN’s latest Disability Index. Learn more.
ESG Dive: SEC Investor Panel Pushes for Increased Workforce Disclosures

The Investor Advisory Committee proposed a new rule to the agency that would require companies to disclose comprehensive labor data like compensation ranges and employment status. Learn more.
Directors & Boards: Increasing Disability Representation on Corporate Boards

Reports show inclusion of disabled individuals lagging behind gender and ethnicity as a priority in the boardroom. People with disabilities are still nearly invisible on corporate boards and in the C-suite. Learn more.