Nedra Dickson

Nedra Dickson is the Global Supplier Diversity and Sustainability Lead for Accenture.
She is responsible for leading and promoting Accenture’s well-established efforts to maximize procurement opportunities with diverse businesses as suppliers and subcontractors within 16 countries. Nedra has grown Accenture’s Mentoring Program – Diverse Supplier Development Program (DSDP) in four geographies (US, Canada, UKI & South Africa). Nedra is responsible for growing Accenture’s Supplier Diversity spend to over 30% in the US.
She holds several board seats within the Supplier Diversity Community
- Board member of Georgia Minority Supplier Diversity Council (GMSDC)
- Board member of SE US Pan-Asian Pacific Council (USPAAC)
- Board member for Canadian Aboriginal Supplier Development Council (CAMSC)
- Board member for Supplier Diversity Leadership Council for The Conference Board (TCB)
- Board member of Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
Nedra was recognized as one of Atlanta, Georgia Top 25 Women in their Female Success Factor Series
Nedra was honored in WE magazine – Women Enterprise honors America’s Top 100 Leaders in Corporate Supplier Diversity
Nedra was recognized at Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity
Her experiences range from Technology Support, Delivery Center Implementations, SAP Development, Operations Management, Customer Service and Sourcing and Category Management.
Nedra grew up in Arkansas and holds an MBA from University of Southern California, a BS degree from Florida State University and BA degree from California State University @ Northridge.