Andi Blaylock

Andi Blaylock


Andi Blaylock manages employee support programs such as Employee Assistance and Work/Life, Drug and Alcohol, Workplace Violence, Crisis Intervention and Outplacement. In this capacity Andi advises her company’s businesses and administrative functions on issues related to employee mental health, wellness, and substance abuse and treatment. Andi has extensive experience consulting and training work organizations of all sizes and industries on the impact of personal problems on the workplace and has provided hundreds of hours of onsite critical incident response services to workplaces following individual employee trauma, workforce reorganization and natural disaster.

In addition, Andi has been the Chair of the Cargill Ability Network (iCAN), Cargill’s disability focused business resource group, since July 2015. iCAN advocates for workplace inclusion practices for employees with disabilities of all types, including mental health.

Andi is a licensed clinical social worker with a Master’s Degree from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.