Supplier Diversity / Procurement

The Economic Impact of Certified Disability-Owned Business Enterprises

Access PDF Version Text Transcription The Economic Impact of Certified Disability-Owned Business Enterprises (DOBEs) $1.26B Annual Revenues 6,414 Total Jobs Supported $358M Wages Paid $717M Impact from Wages $32.4B Total Economic Impact Disability-Owned Business Enterprises Employ People with [...]

Accessible Procurement Questions

Transparent, current, focused, and accurate information about accessibility is essential for the purchase and sale of technology products and services that people with disabilities can use. This question set is designed for purchasers and sellers in the private sector to obtain and share critical information about technology product and service accessibility. ​​

2022-07-15T15:34:18-04:00July 7th, 2022|

Webinar: Accessible Procurement: An Essential Element of Disability Inclusion on GAAD and Every Day

A corporate commitment to a disability diverse and inclusive workforce requires that digital products and content be fully usable by a company’s employees and job applicants with disabilities. Accessible procurement is key to that commitment.

Purchasing and Licensing Accessible Video Conferencing Platforms that Work for Everyone

Introduction When purchasing or licensing video conferencing platforms, always keep in mind that people with disabilities may be participating as audience members, speakers, screen sharers, anyone using chat functionality, or administrators. An accessible platform will work for people in all these roles. Please note: This resource provides information about [...]

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